Kinross House, N1

Block in/near Barnsbury

(51.5394491 -0.1179926, 51.539 -0.117) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Block · * · N1 ·
Kinross House is a block on Bemerton Street.

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Adrian House, N1 Adrian House is a block on Jays Street (Islington)
Airdrie Close, N1 Airdrie Close is a road serving the Bemerton Estate
All Saints Walk, SE15 All Saints Walk is a location in London (King’s Cross)
Alma Terrace, N1 Alma Terrace was later Brayfield Terrace (Barnsbury)
ArtHouse, N1C ArtHouse is a block on York Way (King’s Cross)
Barnsbury Road, N1 Barnsbury Road is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Islington)
Barnsbury Square, N1 Barnsbury Square has a mixture of buildings, including Mountford House of 1834 which occupies the site of a moated farm. (Barnsbury)
Barnsbury Terrace, N1 Barnsbury Terrace is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Barnsbury)
Beaconsfield Street, N1C Beaconsfield Street is a road in the N1C postcode area (King’s Cross)
Belitha Villas, N1 Belitha Villas is a road in the N1 postcode area (Barnsbury)
Bemerton Street, N1 Bemerton Street is a street of terraced houses to the west of the Caledonian Road (Islington)
Bingfield Street, N1 Bingfield Street marks the southern boundary of the Bemerton Estate
Blackmore House, N1 Blackmore House is a block on Copenhagen Street (Islington)
Boadicea Street, N1 Boadicea Street is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Islington)
Boxworth Grove, N1 Boxworth Grove is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Islington)
Bramwell Mews, N1 A street within the N1 postcode
Brayfield Terrace, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Barnsbury)
Bridgeman Road, N1 Bridgeman Road is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area
Bryan Street, N1 The modern line of Bryan Street lies somewhat to the west of the original pre-Second World War line of the street (Islington)
Brydon Walk, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Bunning Way, N1 Bunning Way is one of the streets of London in the N7 postal area
Caithness House, N1 Caithness House is a block on Twyford Street (Islington)
Caledonian Road, N1 Caledonian Road runs north from King’s Cross (Islington)
Campbell Walk, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Carnoustie Drive, N1 Carnoustie Drive is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area
Charlotte Terrace, N1 Charlotte Terrace is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Clayton Crescent, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Coatbridge House, N1 Coatbridge House is a block on Carnoustie Drive
Copenhagen House, N1 Copenhagen House is a block on Charlotte Terrace (Islington)
Copenhagen Street, N1 Copenhagen Street is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Islington)
Cowdenbeath Path, N1 Cowdenbeath Path is a walkway on the Bemerton Estate (Islington)
Crescent Street, N1 Crescent Street is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area
Delhi Street, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Diarmid Road, N20 Diarmid Road is a location in London
Dunoon House, N1 Dunoon House is a block on Edward Square (Islington)
Earlsferry Way, N1 Earlsferry Way is a road in the N1 postcode area
Edward Square, N1 Edward Square is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Islington)
Elystan Walk, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Eton Mews, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Barnsbury)
Everilda Street, N1 Everilda Street is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Ewen House, N1 Ewen House is a block on Caledonian Road (Islington)
Fisher House, N1 Fisher House is a building on Barnsbury Road (Islington)
Francis Walk, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Freeling Street, N1 Freeling Street is a road in the N1 postcode area
Gifford Street, N1 Gifford Street is a road in the N1 postcode area
Granary Building, N1C Granary Building is a location in London (King’s Cross)
Granary Square, N1C A street within the N1C postcode (King’s Cross)
Handyside Street, N1C Handyside Street is a road in the N1C postcode area (King’s Cross)
Havelock Street, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Hemingford Road, N1 Hemingford Road is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Barnsbury)
Henry Place, N1 Henry Place predated the Barnsbury Estate (Islington)
Huntingdon Street, N1 Huntingdon Street is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area
Jays Street, N1 Jays Street dates from the 1950s reconfiguration of the area (Islington)
Jocelin House, N1 Jocelin House is located on Leirum Street (Islington)
Joiners Yard, N1 A street within the N1 postcode
Julius Nyerere Close, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Kember Street, N1 Kember Street runs west from Caledonian Road
Kenwrick House, N1 Kenwrick House is a block on Leirum Street (Islington)
King’s Court, N7 King’s Court is a road in the N7 postcode area
Kings Exchange, N7 Kings Exchange is one of the streets of London in the N7 postal area
Kings Quarter Apartments, N1 Kings Quarter Apartments is a block on Copenhagen Street (Islington)
Kinross House, N1 Kinross House is a block on Bemerton Street
Lambert Street, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Barnsbury)
Lawrence Place, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Leirum Street, N1 The name of Leirum Street is the result of Muriel Street being split in half post-war (Islington)
Lewis Cubitt Walk, N1C Lewis Cubitt Walk is a location in London (King’s Cross)
Lionswood, N1 A street within the N1 postcode
Lower Carriage Drive, N1 Lower Carriage Drive is a road in the W4 postcode area (Islington)
Lower Stable Street, N1C Lower Stable Street is a location in London (King’s Cross)
Lyon Street, N1 A street within the N1 postcode
Malvern Terrace, N1 Malvern Terrace is a road in the N1 postcode area (Barnsbury)
Matilda Street, N1 Matilda Street is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Islington)
Mavor House, N1 Mavor House is a block on Jays Street (Islington)
Messiter House, N1 Messiter House is a block on Pultney Street (Islington)
Mica House, N1 Mica House is a block on Barnsbury Square (Barnsbury)
Molton House, N1 Molton House is a block on Copenhagen Street (Islington)
Mountford House, N1 Mountford House - dating from 1834 - occupies the site of a moated farm (Barnsbury)
Mountfort Crescent, N1 Mountfort Crescent has paired villas dating from between 1837 and 1847 (Barnsbury)
Mountfort House, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Barnsbury)
Mountfort Terrace, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Barnsbury)
Offord Road, N1 Offord Road is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Barnsbury)
Offord Street, N1 Offord Street is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area
Orkney House, N1 Orkney House is a building on Copenhagen Street (Islington)
Outram Place, N1 Outram Place is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Payne House, N1 Payne House, along Charlotte Terrace and dating from 1937, is part of the Barnsbury Estate (Islington)
Payne Street, N1 Payne Street appeared on the map in 1837 (Islington)
Pembroke Avenue, N1 Pembroke Avenue is the southern extension of Pembroke Street (Islington)
Pembroke Street, N1 Pembroke Street is a north-south street in the Barnsbury area
Perth House, N1 Perth House is a ten-storey block
Ponders Bridge House, N7 Ponders Bridge House is a block on Caledonian Road (Caledonian Road & Barnsbury)
Prince’s Yard, N1 Prince’s Yard is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Pultney Street, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Randells Road, N1 Randells Road is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area
Randell’s Road, N1 Randell’s Road is a road in the N1 postcode area
Redmond House, N1 Redmond House is a building on Carnegie Street (Islington)
Regeneration House, N1C Regeneration House is located on Regent’s Canal Towpath (King’s Cross)
Richmond Avenue, N1 Richmond Avenue - Richmond Road until 1938 - has houses with Greek and Egyptian details, including sphinxes and obelisks. (Islington)
Richmond Crescent, N1 Richmond Crescent was formerly home to Tony Blair (Barnsbury)
Ripplevale Grove, N1 Ripplevale Grove is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area (Barnsbury)
Ritson House, N1 Ritson House is a block on Caledonian Road (Islington)
Roding House, N1 Roding House is a residential block dating from the 1930s (Islington)
Rubicon Court, N1C Rubicon Court is a block on York Way (King’s Cross)
Rufford Street Mews, N1 Rufford Street Mews is a road in the N1 postcode area
Rufford Street, N1 Rufford Street is one of the streets of London in the N1 postal area
Samford House, N1 Samford House is a block on Charlotte Terrace (Islington)
Saxon Court, N1C Saxon Court is a block on York Way (King’s Cross)
Selkirk House, N1 Selkirk House is the twin building of Perth House
Sheen Grove, N1 Sheen Grove is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Stable Street, N1C Stable Street is a road in the N1C postcode area (King’s Cross)
Stanmore Street, N1 Stanmore Street runs west from Caledonian Road (Islington)
Story Street, N1 Story Street is a road in the N1 postcode area
Stranraer Way, N1 Stranraer Way is a road on the Bemerton Estate
Tayport Close, N1 Tayport Close leads off Stranraer Way
The Courtyard, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Barnsbury)
Thornhill Crescent, N1 Thornhill Crescent is large open crescent, surrounded by houses
Thornhill Grove, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Barnsbury)
Thornhill Square, N1 Thornhill Square was begun in 1847
Thurston House, N1 Thurston House is a block on Leirum Street (Islington)
Tiber Gardens, N1 Tiber Gardens is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Tile House, N1C Tile House is a block on Beaconsfield Street (King’s Cross)
Tileyard Road, N7 Tileyard Road is one of the streets of London in the N7 postal area
Tilloch Street, N1 Tilloch Street predates the Bemerton Estate of which it is now part
Treaty Street, N1 Treaty Street was called London Street until 1938 (Islington)
Twyford Street, N1 Twyford Street is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Vale Royal, N7 Vale Royal is one of the streets of London in the N7 postal area
Venn House, N1 Venn House is a block on Pultney Street (Islington)
Vibart Walk, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
Vittoria House, N1 Vittoria House is a block on Charlotte Terrace (Islington)
Wellington Square, N1 Wellington Square is a road in the N1 postcode area (Islington)
Westgate House, N1 Westgate House is a block on Ponder Street
Wharf Road, N1C Wharf Road is a location in London (King’s Cross)
Wheeler Gardens, N1 A street within the N1 postcode (Islington)
York Road, N1C York Road was the pre-1938 name for what became York Way (King’s Cross)
York Way Court, N1 York Way Court is a block on York Way Court (Islington)

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