Empire House, E1

Block in/near Whitechapel

(51.5166242 -0.0625647, 51.516 -0.062) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
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Block · * · E1 ·
Empire House is a block on New Road.

Altab Ali Park Altab Ali Park is a small park on Adler Street, White Church Lane and Whitechapel Road.
Pavilion Theatre The Pavilion Theatre at 191–193 Whitechapel Road was the first major theatre to open in the East End.
St George’s German Lutheran Church St George’s German Lutheran Church is a church in Alie Street, Whitechapel.
St Mary Matfelon St Mary Matfelon church was popularly known as St Mary’s, Whitechapel.
St Mary’s (Whitechapel Road) St Mary’s was a station on the Metropolitan Railway and the District Railway lines, located between Whitechapel and Aldgate East stations.
Vine Tavern The Vine Tavern was situated on a site in the middle of Mile End Road, theoretically at number 31.
Whitechapel Gallery The Whitechapel Gallery is a public art gallery in Aldgate.

Adam Meere House, E1 Adam Meere House is located on Tarling Street (Shadwell)
Adelina Place, E1 Adelina Place was a very narrow side street of Adelina Grove (Stepney)
Adler Street, E1 Adler Street runs between the Whitechapel Road and the Commercial Road
Agra Place, E1 Before 1890, Agra Place was named Smith’s Place (Shadwell)
Albany Court, E1 Albany Court is a block on Plumbers Row
Amazon Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Ansell House, E1 Ansell House was the first block built on the Sidney Estate (Stepney)
Anthony Street, E1 Anthony Street previously ran from Commercial Road through to Cable Street. Just a few metres survive (Stepney)
Ashfield Street, E1 Ashfield Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Assam Street, E1 Assam Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Aldgate East)
Back Church Lane, E1 Back Church Lane is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Barons Street, Barons Street is an old East End street (Shadwell)
Basil House, E1 Basil House is a block on Henriques Street
Batson House, E1 Batson House is a building on Fairclough Street
Batty Street, E1 Batty Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Bedford Square, E1 Bedford Square is an old East End square (Stepney)
Bedford Street, E1 Bedford Square, Shadwell was called Bedford Street after 1894 (Whitechapel)
Berner Street, Lower Berner Street was called Berner Street after 1868
Bernhard Baron House, E1 Bernhard Baron House is a building on Henriques Street
Bicknell House, E1 Bicknell House is a block on Ellen Street
Bigland Street, E1 Bigland Street leads east from Cannon Street Road (Shadwell)
Bill Faust House, E1 Bill Faust House is a block on Tarling Street (Shadwell)
Black Lion Yard, E1 Black Lion Yard, a narrow passage, extended from Old Montague Street, where it could be accessed via a set of steps, to Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Blakesley Street, Lower John Street was renamed to Blakesley Street, E1 in 1865 (Shadwell)
Bloomfield House, E1 Bloomfield House is a block on Old Montague Street (Whitechapel)
BLSA Building, E1 BLSA Building is a block on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
Boden House, E1 Boden House is located on Woodseer Street
Booth House, E1 Booth House is a block on Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Booth Street, E1 Booth Street is an old East End street
Boyard Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Boyd Street, E1 Boyd Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Bridgen House, E1 Bridgen House can be found on Philpot Street (Stepney)
Britannia House, E1 Britannia House is a block on Hanbury Street
Bromehead Road, E1 Bromehead Road is a location in London (Stepney)
Bromehead Street, E1 A vestige remains of Bromehead Street, formerly a main connecting street of the area (Stepney)
Buckley Street, E1 Buckley Street is an old East End street (Aldgate East)
Burnham Thorpe Court, E1 Burnham Thorpe Court is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Buross Street, E1 Buross Street runs south off Commercial Road (Stepney)
Burslem Street, E1 Burslem Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Mile End)
Burwell Close, E1 Burwell Close is a road in the E1 postcode area (Shadwell)
Cameron Place, Frederick Place was called Cameron Place after 1882 (Stepney)
Cannon Place, E1 Cannon Place is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Canter Way, E1 Canter Way is a location in London (Aldgate East)
Carillon Court, E1 Carillon Court can be found on Greatorex Street
Cashmere House, E1 Cashmere House is a block on Leman Street
Cassia House, E1 Cassia House is a block on Piazza Walk
Casson House, E1 Casson House is sited on Hanbury Street
Casson Street, E1 Casson Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Castlemain Street, E1 Castlemain Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Catalina House, E1 Catalina House is sited on Canter Way
Catherine Street, E1 Catherine Street began in the first years of the nineteenth century (Shadwell)
Cavell House, E1 Cavell House is a block on Cavell Street (Stepney)
Cavell Street, E1 Cavell Street is a road in the E1W postcode area (Whitechapel)
Central House, E1 Central House is a block on Whitechapel High Street (Aldgate East)
Ceylon House, E1 Ceylon House is sited on Alie Street (Aldgate East)
Chandlery House, E1 Chandlery House is a block on Gower’s Walk
Charlotte Court, Charlotte Court is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Chaucer Gardens, E1 Chaucer Gardens is a location in London (Aldgate East)
Cheviot House, E1 Cheviot House is sited on Commercial Road (Stepney)
Chicksand House, E1 Chicksand House is sited on Chicksand Street
Chicksand Street, E1 Chicksand Street runs east from Brick Lane
Chronos Building, E1 Chronos Building is a building on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Circle Place, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
Cityscape Apartments, E1 Cityscape Apartments is sited on Heneage Street
Clare Alexander House, E1 Clare Alexander House can be found on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Coburg Dwellings, E1 Coburg Dwellings is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Coke Street, E1 Charles Street was renamed to Coke Street, E1 in 1882
Colefax Building, E1 Colefax Building is a block on Plumbers Row
Colstead House, E1 Colstead House is a block on Watney Market (Stepney)
Comfort House, E1 Comfort House is a block on Turner Street (Stepney)
Commercial Road, E1 Commercial Road is a major thoroughfare (the A13) running east-west from the junction of Burdett Road and East India Dock Road to Braham Street (Stepney)
Cornell Building, E1 Cornell Building is a block on Coke Street
Court Street, E1 Court Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Coverley Close, E1 Coverley Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Cross Street, E1 Cross Street is an old East End street
Damien Court, E1 Damien Court is a block on Damien Street (Stepney)
Damien Street, E1 Damien Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Stepney)
Danvers House, E1 Danvers House is a block on Greatorex street
Davenant House, E1 Davenant House is a block on Old Montague Street
Davenant Street, E1 Davenant Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Dawson House, E1 Dawson House is a block on Walden Street (Whitechapel)
Deal Street, E1 Deal Street dates from the mid 1840s
Dean Street, Cross Street became Dean Street in 1865 (4777) (Shadwell)
Deancross Street, E1 Deancross Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Shadwell)
Define House, E1 Define House is a block on Hessel Street (Mile End)
Delafield House, E1 Delafield House is a building on Umberston Street
Dickson House, E1 Dickson House is a building on Philpot Street (Stepney)
District Court, E1 District Court is sited on Commercial Road (Aldgate East)
Dowson Place, E1 Dowson Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map
Drake House, E1 Drake House can be found on Stepney Way (Stepney)
Drewett House, E1 Drewett House can be found on Christian Street
Dron House, E1 Dron House is a block on Adelina Grove (Stepney)
Dryden Building, E1 Dryden Building is a block on Commercial Road
Dunch Street, E1 Dunch Street is a street in (Shadwell)
Dunk Street, E1 Dunk Street ran parallel to Great Garden Street (now Greatorex Street) to the west and King Edward Street, which has also ceased to exist, to the east
Duru House, E1 Duru House is a block on Commercial Road
Durward Street, E1 Durward Street is a narrow thoroughfare running east-west from Brady Street to Baker’s Row (today’s Vallance Road) (Whitechapel)
East Cross Centre, E1 East Cross Centre is one of the streets of London in the E15 postal area (Stepney)
East Mount Street, E1 East Mount Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Education Square, E1 Education Square is a location in London (Aldgate East)
Elan Court, E1 Elan Court is a block on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
Elektra House, E1 Elektra House is a block on Ashfield Street (Stepney)
Ellen Julia Court, E1 Ellen Julia Court is a block on James Voller Way (Shadwell)
Ely Place, E1 Ely Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map
Empire House, E1 Empire House is a block on New Road (Whitechapel)
Enterprise House, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Epping Place, E1 Epping Place was an old name for the northernmost end of Sidney Street (Whitechapel)
Evelyn House, E1 Evelyn House is a block on Greatorex Street
Everard House, E1 Everard House is a block on Ellen Street
Everard Street, Everard Street is an old East End street
Fabian House, E1 Fabian House is a block on Cannon Street Road (Shadwell)
Fairclough Street, E1 Fairclough Street runs from Back Church Lane to Christian Street
Fenton Street, E1 Fenton Street runs south from Commercial Road (Stepney)
Fieldgate Mansions, E1 Fieldgate Mansions is a significant complex of tenement dwellings that was constructed between 1903 and 1907. (Whitechapel)
Fieldgate Street, E1 Fieldgate Street was once a lane leading across fields to St Dunstan’s Church (Whitechapel)
Finch Street, E1 Finch Street lay along the line of present day Monthope Road (Whitechapel)
Flintlock Close, E1 Flintlock Close is a location in London (Stepney)
Floyer House, E1 Floyer House is a block on Philpot Street (Whitechapel)
Ford House, E1 Ford House is a block on Ford Square (Stepney)
Ford Square, E1 Ford Square is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Fordham Street, E1 Fordham Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Foundry Court, E1 Foundry Court is a block on Plumbers Row (Whitechapel)
Frostic Walk, E1 Frostic Walk leads from Chicksand Street to Old Montague Street
Fulbourne Street, E1 Fulbourne Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Garrod Building, E1 Garrod Building is a block on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Gateway House, E1 Gateway House is a block on Cavell Street (Stepney)
Goodman Stile, E1 Goodman Stile is a location in London (Aldgate East)
Goodman Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Gowers Walk, Gowers Walk is an old East End street
Gower’s Walk, E1 Gower’s Walk leads south from Commercial Road
Gray Street, Gray Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Greatorex House, E1 Greatorex House is sited on Greatorex Street
Greatorex Street, E1 Greatorex Street was formerly called High Street
Green Dragon Yard, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Greenfield Road, E1 Greenfield Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Greenfield Street, E1 Greenfield Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Greenwich Court, E1 Greenwich Court is sited on Cavell Street (Stepney)
Gwynne House, E1 Gwynne House is located on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Hainton Close, E1 Hainton Close is a road in the E1 postcode area (Shadwell)
Halcrow Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Hanbury House, E1 Hanbury House is located on Hanbury Street
Hanbury Street, E1 Hanbury Street is a long road running west-east from Commercial Street to Vallance Road
Hannah Building, E1 Hannah Building is sited on Watney Street (Shadwell)
Harkness House, E1 Harkness House is a building on Christian Street
Heneage Street, E1 Heneage Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Henriques Street, E1 Henriques Street was formerly called Berner Street
Henry Brierley House, E1 Henry Brierley House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Hessel Street, E1 Hessel Street commemorates Phoebe Hessel (1713-1821), called ’the Stepney Amazon’, who joined the army to be near her lover (Mile End)
Hobson’s Cottages, E1 Hobson’s Cottages was situated off Pelham Street
Hobsons Place, E1 Hobsons Place was short cul-de-sac
Hogarth Court, E1 Hogarth Court is a block on Batty Street
Holloway Street, E1 Holloway Street is an old East End street
Hopetown Street, E1 This is a street in the E1 postcode area (Spitalfields)
Horace Evans House, E1 Horace Evans House is a block on Ashfield Street (Whitechapel)
Hubert Ashton House, E1 Hubert Ashton House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Hudson Building, E1 Hudson Building is a block on Chicksand Street
Hungerford Street, Hungerford Street is an old East End street (Shadwell)
Hunter Street, Hunter Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Ivy House, E1 Ivy House is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Jacobs Court, E1 Jacobs Court is a block on Plumbers Row (Whitechapel)
Jane Street, E1 Jane Street is now only a few yards long, with no houses (Stepney)
John Garnett House, E1 John Garnett House is located on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
John Harrison House, E1 John Harrison House is a block on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
John Sessions Square, E1 John Sessions Square lies off of Alie Street (Aldgate East)
Johns Place, E1 Despite a post-war expansion of the road name, Johns Place is an older street of Stepney (Stepney)
Joscoyne House, E1 Joscoyne House is a block on Philpot Street (Stepney)
Joseph Street, Joseph Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Kempton Court, E1 Kempton Court is a block on Durward Street, built in 1995 (Whitechapel)
Kent House, E1 Kent House is a block on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
Kerry House, E1 Kerry House is a block on the southern part of the Sidney Estate (Stepney)
Kinder Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Shadwell)
Kings Arms Court, E1 Kings Arms Court lies off Old Montague Street. (Whitechapel)
Kingward House, E1 Kingward House is a block on Greatorex Street
Kingward Street, E1 King Edward Street is an old East End street
Kiran Apartments, E1 Kiran Apartments is located on Chicksand Street
Lambeth Street, Lambeth Street is an old East End street
Langdale Street, E1 Langdale Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Leigh House, E1 Leigh House is a block on Halcrow Street (Whitechapel)
Leman Street, E1 Leman Street was named after Sir John Leman
Lister House, E1 Lister House is located on Lomas Street (Whitechapel)
Little Alie Street, Little Alie Street is an old East End street (Aldgate East)
Little Turner Street, Little Turner Street is an old East End street (Shadwell)
Lomas Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Lower Chapman Street, Lower Chapman Street is an old East End street (Shadwell)
Luntley Place, E1 Luntley Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map
Manningtree Street, E1 Manningtree Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Aldgate East)
Manous House, E1 Manous House is a block on Hessel Street (Mile End)
Maples Place, E1 Cannon Place became Maples Place in 1938 (Whitechapel)
Marden House, E1 Marden House is located on Batty Street
Marshgate House, E1 Marshgate House is a building on Bromehead Street (Stepney)
Matilda Street, Matilda Street is an old East End street
Mayo House, E1 Mayo House is a block on Lindley Street (Stepney)
Mellish House, E1 Mellish House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Melwood House, E1 Melwood House is a block on Watney Street (Shadwell)
Meranti House, E1 Meranti House can be found on Goodman’s Stile (Aldgate East)
Milward Street, E1 Milward Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Mitali Passage, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Monkton Terrace , Monkton Terrace is an old East End street (Mile End)
Monthope Road, E1 This is a street in the E1 postcode area
Morton Close, E1 This is a street in the E1 postcode area (Shadwell)
Moss Close, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Mount Terrace, E1 Mount Terrace is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Mulberry Street, E1 Mulberry Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Mullan House, E1 Mullan House is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Myrdle Court, E1 Myrdle Court is a block on Myrdle Street
Myrdle Street, E1 Myrdle Street leads south from Fieldgate Street (Whitechapel)
Nelson Street, E1 Nelson Street runs between New Road and Cavell Street (Stepney)
Neroli House, E1 Neroli House is a building on Piazza Walk
New Loom House, E1 New Loom House is a block on Back Church Lane
New Road, E1 New Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Newark Street, E1 Newark Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Newbold Cottages, E1 Newbold Cottages is a block in Stepney (Stepney Green)
Nijjer House, E1 Nijjer House is a block on Commercial Road (Stepney)
Nottingham Place, E1 Nottingham Place is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Novem House, E1 Novem House is a block on Chicksand Street
Old Montague Street, E1 Old Montague Street is a thoroughfare running east-west from Baker’s Row (now Vallance Road) to Brick Lane
Osborn Street, E1 Osborn Street is a short road leading from Whitechapel Road to the crossroads with Brick Lane, Wentworth Street and Old Montague Street (Aldgate East)
Osborne House, E1 Osborne House is a block on Osborn Street (Aldgate East)
Oxford Street, Green Street was renamed to Oxford Street, E1 in 1867 (Whitechapel)
Pace Place, E1 Pace Place was formerly Little Ann Street before 1937 (Shadwell)
Painter House, E1 Painter House is a block on Sidney Street (Stepney)
Parfett Street, E1 Parfett Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Patriot House, E1 Patriot House is a block on Hessel Street (Mile End)
Pauline House, E1 Pauline House is a block on Old Montague Street
Pavilion House, E1 Pavilion House is a block on Greatorex Street
Pelham Street, E1 Pelham Street was the former name of Woodseer Street
Perilla House, E1 Perilla House is a building on Bridle Mews
Peter Best House, E1 Peter Best House can be found on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Philpot Street, E1 Philpot Street commemorates the prominent local family of Philpot or Philipot; (Stepney)
Piazza Walk, E1 Piazza Walk is a location in London
Pimento House, E1 Pimento House is located on Gower’s Walk
Planet Street, Star Street, Commercial Road East was called Planet Street after 1891 (Shadwell)
Plumbers Row, E1 Plumbers Row is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Porchester House, E1 Porchester House is sited on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
Proud House, E1 Proud House is a block on Amazon Street
Providence Street, Providence Street is an old East End street
Queen Street, E1 In 1883, King Street, E1 became Queen Street, E1
Ramar House, E1 Ramar House is a building on Hanbury Street
Ramar Place, E1 Ramar Place was a tiny Whitechapel back street
Rampart Street, E1 Rampart Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Raven Row, E1 Raven Row appears in 1832, probably named for the builder. (Whitechapel)
Regal Close, E1 Regal Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Richard Street, E1 Richard Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Riga Mews, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
River Thames at 51.501, High Street, E1 was renamed as Great Garden Street, E1 in 1874 (Whitechapel)
Romford Street, E1 Romford Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Rope Walk Gardens, E1 Rope Walk Gardens is a location in London
Ropewalk Gardens, EC1M Ropewalk Gardens is a location in London
Ruby House, E1 Ruby House is located on Myrdle Street
Rupert Street, E1 Rupert Street was situated to the east of Leman Street
Russell Street, E1 Little Russell Street became Russell Street in 1864 (7996) (Whitechapel)
Rutland Street, New Rutland Street was given the name Rutland Street, E1 in 1864 (Stepney)
Sander Street, E1 Sander Street ran from Back Church Lane to Berner Street (Henriques Street)
Sandhurst House, E1 Sandhurst House can be found on Wolsey Street (Stepney)
Satin House, E1 Satin House is a block on Canter Way
Settles Street, E1 Settles Street links Fieldgate Street with Commercial Road
Shead Court, E1 Shead Court is a block on James Voller Way (Shadwell)
Sheridan Street, John Street was given the name Sheridan Street, E1 in 1864 (Shadwell)
Sidney Square, E1 Sidney Square is an old square dating from the 1820s (Stepney Green)
Sidney Street, E1 Sidney Street is a notably historic street of the East End (Stepney)
Siege House, E1 Siege House is a 10-storey block containing 70 dwellings (Stepney)
Silvester House, E1 Silvester House can be found on Varden Street (Stepney)
Sly Street, E1 Sly Street commemorates R.S. Sly - member of the vestry of the parish of St George’s in the East. (Stepney)
Somerset House, E1 Somerset House is a block on New Road (Stepney)
Speck’s Fields, E1 Speck’s Fields led to the Crescent Foundry
Spelman House, E1 Spelman House is a block on Spelman Street
Spelman Street, E1 Spelman Street was formerly John Street and built up in the 19th century
Spring Walk, E1 Spring Walk is a road in the E1 postcode area
St Mary Street, St Mary Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
St Philip’s House, E1 St Philip’s House is located on Stepney Way (Whitechapel)
Stable Walk, E1 Stable Walk is a location in London
Star Street, E1 Star Street was, for a while, Planet Street (Shadwell)
Stepney Green Court, E1 Stepney Green Court is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Suntash Apartments, E1 Suntash Apartments can be found on Umberston Street
Swan Place, E1 Swan Place was an old road absorbed during the nineteenth century into Sidney Street (Stepney)
Tannery House, E1 Tannery House is a block on Deal Street
Tarling Street, E1 Tarling Street appears on maps of 1832 and 1855 as Terling Street, and may have been named from the builder (Shadwell)
Tate Apartments, E1 Tate Apartments is a block on Sly Street (Stepney)
Tenter Street East, Tenter Street East is an old East End street
The Old Montague Apartments, E1 The Old Montague Apartments is a block on Old Montague Street
Timberland Road, E1 Timberland Road is a road in the E1 postcode area (Shadwell)
Tower House, E1 Tower House is a block on Fieldgate Street (Whitechapel)
Turner Street, E1 Turner Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Tylney House, E1 Tylney House is located on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Umberston Street, E1 Umberston Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Upper Fenton Street, Upper Fenton Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Vallance Road, E1 Vallance Road is a significant road running north-south from Bethnal Green Road to Whitechapel Road. (Whitechapel)
Varden Street, E1 Varden Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Vibeca Apartments, E1 Vibeca Apartments is a block on Chicksand Street
Vine Court, E1 Vine Court is a small turning south from Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Vollasky House, E1 Vollasky House is a block on Daplyn Street
Walden Street, E1 Walden Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Watney Market, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Shadwell)
Wexford House, E1 Wexford House is a 6-storey block containing 44 dwellings (Stepney)
White Church Lane, E1 White Church Lane is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Aldgate East)
White Church Passage, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
White Hart Yard, E1 White Hart Court was built by Richard Brinckley in 1773 (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel Market, E1 Whitechapel Market is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel Road, E1 Whitechapel Road is a major arterial road in East London (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel Technology Centre, E1 Whitechapel Technology Centre is based in the East London Works (Whitechapel)
Wicker Street, E1 Most of Wicker Street was redeveloped as part of the Berner Estate
Wilton Court, E1 Wilton Court is a block on Cavell Street (Whitechapel)
Winterton House, E1 Winterton House is a block on Deancross Street (Shadwell)
Winterton Street, E1 In Stepney E1, Devonshire Street became Winterton Street in 1890 (Shadwell)
Winthrop Street, E1 Winthrop Street was formerly a narrow street running east-west from Brady Street to Durward Street (Whitechapel)
Wodeham Gardens, E1 Wodeham Gardens is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Wolsey Street, E1 Wolsey Street is an old East End street of which a tiny remnant remains (Stepney)
Wood’s Buildings, E1 Wood’s Buildings, a narrow passageway, extended north from Whitechapel Road and led to Winthrop Street. (Whitechapel)
Woodseer Street, E1 Woodseer Street was formerly known as Pelham Street and part of the Halifax Estate
Woollen House, E1 Woollen House is a block on Clark Street (Stepney Green)
Workhouse Apartments, E1 Workhouse Apartments is a block on Feather Mews (Whitechapel)
Wynfrid House, E1 Wynfrid House is a block on Mulberry Street
Yalford Street, E1 Yalford Street was the name for New Street after 1874 (Whitechapel)

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