St Dunstan’s and All Saints Church

Church in/near Stepney Green, existing until now

(51.51683 -0.04167, 51.516 -0.041) 
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Church · * · E1 ·
St Dunstan’s, Stepney is an Anglican church which stands on a site that has been used for Christian worship for over a thousand years.

In about AD 952, Dunstan, the Bishop of London who was also Lord of the manor of Stepney replaced the existing wooden structure with a new church (probably including stone elements) dedicated to All the Saints. In 1029, when Dunstan was canonised, the church was rededicated to St Dunstan and All Saints, a dedication it has retained. Like many subsequent Bishops, Dunstan may have lived in the Manor of Stepney perhaps at the Bishops Wood residence.

Dunstan is likely to have had a very ’hands on’ approach to building the church. There are so many legends regarding Dunstan such as those relating to iron in folklore that some historic accounts are disregarded as ahistorical; such as those describing Dunstan physically moving a whole church so that it better aligns with the traditional East-West axis.

The church is known as "The Mother Church of the East End" as the parish covered most of what would become inner East London before population growth led to the creation of a large number of daughter parishes. This fission started in the fourteenth century or before. Some of the earliest other churches built in the parish were Whitechapel and Bow; the former became an independent parish at an early date while the latter was long a chapel of ease.

The existing building is the third on the site and was built of Kentish ragstone mainly in the fifteenth century. A porch and octagonal parish room were added in 1872 by Arthur Shean Newman and Arthur Billing. The church was restored extensively in 1899 by Cutts and Cutts at a cost of £5600. The vestries and some of the main building were destroyed by fire on 12 October 1901, including the organ which had carvings by Grinling Gibbons. The restoration (again by Cutts and Cutts) cost £7084 and the church was re-opened in June 1902 by the Bishop of Stepney (at that time Cosmo Gordon Lang). There was war-time damage which was restored by Cyril Wontner-Smith.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence

Limehouse Limehouse is a National Rail station, also connected to the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) network.
St Dunstan’s and All Saints Church St Dunstan’s, Stepney is an Anglican church which stands on a site that has been used for Christian worship for over a thousand years.

Alfred Street, E1 Alfred Street was the precursor street to Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
Allport Mews, E1 Allport Mews lies off Stepney Green itself (Stepney Green)
Anglia House, E14 Anglia House is a block on Salmon Lane (Limehouse)
Antill Terrace, E1 Antill Terrace was built off of Senrab Street (then Barbour Gardens) around 1865 (Stepney Green)
Apsley House, E1 Apsley House is a block on Aylward Street (Stepney Green)
Apsley Street, E1 Apsley Street was off Redman’s Road (Stepney Green)
Arbour House, E1 Arbour House was designed by B.J. Belsher, the Stepney Borough Surveyor (Stepney Green)
Arbour Square, E1 Arbour Square is a late Georgian square in Stepney (Stepney Green)
Aston Street, E14 Aston Street is a long north-south running road north of Salmon Lane (Stepney Green)
Avis Square, E1 Avis Square was created in 1961 (Stepney Green)
Aylward Street, E1 Aylward Street has a complicated history (Stepney Green)
Bale Road, E1 Bale Road runs along the southern edge of Shandy Park (Stepney Green)
Baltonsborough Court, E1 Baltonsborough Court is located on Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Barnes Street, E14 Barnes Street was built on land belonging to W.H. Pemberton Barnes (Stepney Green)
Beatrice House, E1 Beatrice House was built after 1996 (Stepney Green)
Beaufort Gardens, E1 Beaufort Gardens runs down from Shandy Street to Trafalgar Gardens (Stepney Green)
Beaumont Square, E1 Beaumont Square is a garden square that was laid out in 1840 as the centerpiece of the Beaumont Estate, a housing development by Captain J T Barber Beaumont. (Stepney Green)
Belgrave Street, E1 Belgrave Street connects Stepney High Street with Commercial Road (Stepney Green)
Ben Jonson Road, E1 The satiric dramatist Ben Jonson (or Johnson) died in 1637. (Stepney Green)
Bermuda Street, E1 Bermuda Street was an old East End street (Stepney Green)
Bermuda Way, E1 Bermuda Way runs between two residential blocks (Stepney Green)
Bill Voisey Court, E14 Bill Voisey Court is sited on Repton Street (Bow Common)
Billing House, E1 Billing House is a block on Commercial Road (Shadwell)
Bladen House, E1 Bladen House is a block on Dunelm Street (Stepney Green)
Blount Street, E14 Blount Street leads north from Salmon Lane (Stepney Green)
Bootmakers Court, E1 Bootmakers Court is a block on Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Brenton Street, E14 Brenton Street is a short road running under a railway bridge (Stepney Green)
Bromley Street, E1 Bromley Street was built between 1829 and 1843 by Daniel Goody (Stepney Green)
Brunton Place, E14 Brunton Place is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area (Limehouse)
Burley House, E1 Burley House is part of the Mountmorres Estate (Stepney Green)
Caledonia House, E14 Caledonia House can be found on Salmon Lane (Limehouse)
Cambria House, E14 Cambria House is a block on Salmon Lane (Limehouse)
Camdenhurst Street, E14 Camdenhurst Street connects Repton Street with Salmon Lane (Stepney Green)
Candle Street, E1 Candle Street was built over the site of the former Stepney Gasworks (Stepney Green)
Carmelo Mews, E1 Carmelo Mews is a mews behind the houses on the east side of Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Carpenter House, E1 Carpenter House faces Trafalgar Gardens (Stepney Green)
Carr Street, E14 Carr Street is a longer road of the area, running parallel to the Regent’s Canal (Stepney Green)
Caspian Apartments, E14 Caspian Apartments is a block on Salton Square (Limehouse)
Cayley Street, E14 Cayley Street, after demolition, became part of White Horse Open Space (Stepney Green)
Chalkwell House, E1 Chalkwell House can be found on Commercial Road (Shadwell)
Chaseley Street, E14 Chaseley Street runs from Barnes Street to Yorkshire Road (Limehouse)
Chudleigh Street, E1 Chudleigh Street was called Albany Street until 1938 (Stepney Green)
Clearbrook Way, E1 Clearbrook Way is a modern cul-de-sac, running west off West Arbour Street (Stepney Green)
Coalstore Court, E14 Coalstore Court is sited on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Coltman Street, E14 Coltman Street runs north from Maroon Street (Stepney Green)
Commercial Road East, Commercial Road East is an old East End street (Shadwell)
Conder Street, E14 Conder Street, now a tiny cul-de-sac once ran north all the way to Maroon Street (Stepney Green)
Copley Street, E1 Copley Street now runs south from Stepney Way (Stepney Green)
Copperfield Road, E3 Copperfield Road is one of the streets of London in the E3 postal area (Mile End)
Cosmo Apartments, E1 Cosmo Apartments is sited on Westport Street (Shadwell)
Cressy Court, E1 Cressy Court was called Little Union Place until 1937 (Stepney Green)
Cressy House, E1 Cressy House was built at the corner of Cressy Place and Hannibal Road in 1894 (Stepney Green)
Cressy Place, E1 Cressy Place is one of the older streets in Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Cromarty House, E1 Cromarty House is a block on Aston Street (Stepney Green)
Dakin Place, E1 Dakin Place is one of a confusion of small roads leading off White Horse Road (Stepney Green)
Dame Colet House, E1 Dame Colet House is a block on Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Darnley House, E14 Darnley House is sited on Camdenhurst Street (Stepney Green)
Diggon Street, E1 Diggon Street is now a small remnant cul-de-sac off Stepney Way (Stepney Green)
Dongola Road, E1 Dongola Road connects Duckett Street and Harford Street (Stepney Green)
Dowson House, E1 Dowson House is located on Commercial Road (Shadwell)
Duckett Street, E1 Duckett Street runs from Ernest Street to Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Dunelm Street, E1 Fair Street was renamed Dunelm Street in 1939 (Stepney Green)
Dunstan Houses, E1 Dunstan Houses on Stepney Green were built in 1899 by the East End Dwellings Company to provide housing for the poor (Stepney Green)
Dupont Street, E14 Dupont Street ran from Maroon Street to Burn Street (Bow Common)
Durham Row, E1 Durham Row is a path leading west from White Horse Road (Stepney Green)
East Arbour Street, E1 East Arbour Street leads north from Arbour Square (Stepney Green)
Eastfield Street, E14 Eastfield Street dramatically changed its course after the war when the western end was completely destroyed (Stepney Green)
Edith Ramsey House, E1 Edith Ramsey House is a block on Duckett Street (Stepney Green)
Elizabeth Blount Court, E14 Elizabeth Blount Court can be found on Repton Street (Stepney Green)
Elsa Street, E14 Elsa Street is now in two sections - a street and a continuation as a walkway (Stepney Green)
Essian Street, E1 Essian Street was formerly Emmott Street, replacing it in 1963 (Stepney Green)
Fair Street, E1 Fair Street ran from Oxford Street to Charles Street (Stepney Green)
Farrier Court, E1 Farrier Court is a block on the corner of White Horse Lane and Killick Way (Stepney Green)
Firewatch Court, E1 Firewatch Court is a block on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Flamborough Street, E14 Flamborough Street is a Yorkshire place name, chosen by association with neighbouring York Square (Limehouse)
Flamborough Walk, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Limehouse)
Frank Whipple Place, E14 East End campaigner Frank Whipple died in 2011 at the age of 103 (Bow Common)
Galsworthy Avenue, E14 Galsworthy Avenue connects Halley Street and Repton Street (Stepney Green)
Galway House, E1 Galway House is a block on White Horse Lane (Stepney Green)
Garden Street, E1 Garden Street lies to the rear of what was called ’King John’s Palace’ (Stepney Green)
George Hilsdon Court, E14 George Hilsdon Court is a block on Shaw Crescent (Bow Common)
George Scott House, E1 George Scott House is a block on West Arbour Street (Stepney Green)
Gold Street, E1 Prospect Place was renamed as Gold Street in 1882 (Stepney Green)
Gray Court, E14 Gray Court is a block on Ben Johnson Road (Stepney Green)
Grosvenor Street, E1 Grosvenor Street was renamed Mountmorres Road in 1939 (Stepney Green)
Halley Street, E14 Halley Street was previously called Alley Street (Stepney Green)
Harford Street, E1 Harford Street is a long north-south street of Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Harriott House, E1 Harriott House is a block on Jamaica Street (Stepney Green)
Hayfield House, E1 Hayfield House is a block on Hayfield Passage (Stepney Green)
Head Street, E1 Head Street replaced Heath Street in 1938 (Shadwell)
Hearnshaw Street, E14 Hearnshaw Street leads south from Maroon Street (Stepney Green)
Heath Street, E1 Heath Street was the location of a rope walk by the beginning of the nineteenth century (Stepney Green)
Horseley Court, E1 Horseley Court is a block on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Iona Tower, E14 Iona Tower is a block on Ross Way (Limehouse)
Jacqueline House, E1 Jacqueline House is a building on White Horse Lane (Stepney Green)
Jamuna Close, E14 Jamuna Close is a modern road fronting the Regent’s Canal (Stepney Green)
Johnson Lock Court, E1 Johnson Lock Court can be found on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Justice Apartments, E1 Justice Apartments is a block on Aylward Street (Stepney Green)
Killick Way, E1 Killick Way is a modern road south of the Ocean Estate (Stepney Green)
Kiln House, E1 Kiln House is a block on Killick Way (Stepney Green)
King John Street, E1 King John Street leads off Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Lace Court, E1 Lace Court is sited on Masters Street (Stepney Green)
Lady Micos Almshouses, E1 Lady Micos Almshouses offers lodgings exclusively for women in Stepney (Stepney Green)
Lascar Wharf Building, E14 Lascar Wharf Building is a block on Parnham Street (Bow Common)
Latham House, E1 Latham House is a block on Chudleigh Street (Stepney Green)
Lavender House, E1 Lavender House is a block on Commercial Road (Ratcliff)
Lighterman Mews, E1 Lighterman Mews is 1990s development (Stepney Green)
Lock House, E14 Lock House is sited on Parnham Street (Bow Common)
Lorne House, E1 Lorne House can be found on Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Lowell Street, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Limehouse)
Lydia Street, E1 Lydia Street was located along White Horse Lane just north of the modern Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
Malthouse Apartments, E1 Malthouse Apartments is a block on Caroline Street (Shadwell)
Maria Terrace, E1 Maria Terrace lies off Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Maroon Street, E14 Maroon Street is a major east-way connecting road of Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Masters Street, E1 Masters Street is the western extension of Bohn Road (Stepney Green)
Matlock Street, E14 Matlock Street is a surviving street of Stepney Green, its route intact after the war (Stepney Green)
Mercer Court, E14 Mercer Court is a block on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Milrood House, E1 Milrood House is a block on Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Monsey Place, E1 Monsey Place serves the Rhodewell Apartments (Stepney Green)
Morecambe Close, E1 Morecambe Close is a modern road leading off Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Mountmorres Road, E1 Grosvenor Street was called Mountmorres Road after 1939 (Stepney Green)
New Belvedere House, E1 New Belvedere House is a block on White Horse Road (Stepney Green)
Old Church Road, E1 Old Church Road originally extended north from Commercial Road to Stepney Way, opposite St Dunstan’s Church. (Shadwell)
Oley Place, E1 Oley Place - originally Wellington Street - was part of an estate belonging to Clare College, Cambridge (Stepney Green)
Oman Way, E14 Oman Way is a postwar-built walkway leading to White Horse Open Space (Stepney Green)
Panama House, E1 Panama House is a block on Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Parnham Street, E14 Parnham Street is a road in the E14 postcode area (Bow Common)
Pattison House, E1 Pattison House is a block on Aylward Street (Stepney Green)
Pattison Street, E1 Pattison Street ran southeast from a junction with Jamaica Street (Stepney Green)
Pechora Way, E14 Pechora Way leads west from Maroon Street (Stepney Green)
Perth Street, E1 Perth Street was created as St Vincent Street during the 1830s (Stepney Green)
Pevensey House, E1 Pevensey House is a block on Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Pole Street, E1 Pole Street became part of Stepney Green Park (Stepney Green)
Portland Street, E1 Portland Street was replaced by Westport Street in 1939 (Stepney Green)
Potter House, E1 Potter House is a block on Beaufort Gardens (Stepney Green)
Powlesland Court, E1 Powlesland Court is a block on White Horse Road (Stepney Green)
Press House, E1 Press House can be found on Trafalgar Gardens (Stepney Green)
Raby Street, E14 Raby Street commemorates the name of a builder active in East London from the 1850s. (Stepney Green)
Railton House, E1 Railton House is a block on Arbour Square (Shadwell)
Ratcliffe House, E14 Ratcliffe House is a block on Barnes Street (Stepney Green)
Ravenscroft Court, E1 Ravenscroft Court is sited on Essian Street (Mile End)
Rectory Square, E1 Rectory Square, dating from the 1860s, was named from the rectory of St Dunstan’s parish church nearby (Stepney Green)
Redmans Road, E1 Redmans Road is a long east-west road of Stepney (Stepney Green)
Repton Street, E14 Repton Street lies in the part of Stepney Green in the E14 postcode, north of Salmon Lane (Stepney Green)
Rochelle Court, E1 Rochelle Court are flats with shops underneath from 1938 (Shadwell)
Roland Mews, E1 Roland Mews emerges through an archway under Roland House (Stepney Green)
Ronald Street, E1 Ronald Street appeared in a series of parallel streets first emerging in the 1830s (Shadwell)
Rosery Court, E1 Rosery Court was built on the site of St Dunstan’s Rectory (Stepney Green)
Ross Way, E14 Ross Way is a road in the E14 postcode area (Limehouse)
Salmon Lane, E14 Salmon Lane skirts the northern edge of Limehouse (Stepney Green)
Salmon Street, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Limehouse)
Saloon House, E14 Saloon House is sited on Brunton Place (Limehouse)
Senrab Street, E1 Senrab Street is the name ’Barnes’ reversed (Stepney Green)
Shandy Street, E1 Shandy Street connects Beaumont Square with Harford Street (Stepney Green)
Shannon Apartments, E14 Shannon Apartments is a block on Ross Way (Limehouse)
Shaw Crescent, E14 Shaw Crescent is a road in the E14 postcode area (Bow Common)
Silver Street, E1 Silver Street ran parallel with Gold Street, though it was narrower (Stepney Green)
Sims House, E1 Sims House is a block on Havering Street (Shadwell)
Solent House, E1 Solent House is a block on Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
St Dunstans Mews, E1 St Dunstans Mews faces St Dunstan’s Churchyard (Stepney Green)
St Faith’s House, E1 St Faith’s House is a block on Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
St Thomas House, E1 St Thomas House is a block on East Arbour Street (Stepney Green)
Stepney Green Court, E1 Stepney Green Court was built in 1895 (Stepney Green)
Stepney Green, E1 Stepney Green was originally a 15th century row of houses near to St Dunstan’s church (Stepney Green)
Stepney High Street, E1 Stepney High Street was previously the main street of Stepney (Stepney Green)
Summercourt Road, E1 Summercourt Road is parallel with Commercial Road, one block north (Stepney Green)
Sydney House, E1 Sydney House is a block on the east side of Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Temple Court, E1 Temple Court can be found on Rectory Square (Stepney Green)
Textile House, E1 Textile House is a block on Duckett Street (Stepney Green)
Tillotson Street, E1 Tillotson Street was built on land belonging to Clare College, Cambridge (Stepney Green)
Tottan Terrace, E1 Tottan Terrace is a pathway along the southern edge of the Belgrave Open Space (Stepney Green)
Tracey Bellamy Court, E14 Tracey Bellamy Court is a block on Tomlin’s Terrace (Bow Common)
Trafalgar Gardens, E1 Trafalgar Gardens was previously Trafalgar Square until 1938 (Stepney Green)
Tramway Court, E1 Tramway Court is a block on Candle Street (Mile End)
Troon House, E1 Troon House is a block of flats situated west of White Horse Road (Stepney Green)
Troon Street, E14 Troon Street is a very short street and is the westward extension of Salmon Lane (Stepney Green)
Vista Court, E1 Vista Court is a block on Bermuda Way (Stepney Green)
Wakeling Street, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Limehouse)
Waley Street, E1 Commemorates Henry le Waleys or Waleis, mayor of London in 1273, 1281-3 and 1298. (Stepney Green)
Walter Street, E1 Walter Street was swept away after the Second World War (Stepney Green)
Walter Terrace, E1 Walter Terrace is a renaming of the southern end of Walter Street in 1939 (Stepney Green)
Walter Tull Court, E14 Walter Tull Court is a block on Repton Street (Bow Common)
Waterview House, E14 Waterview House is a block on Carr Street (Stepney Green)
Wellesley Street, E1 Wellesley Street was severely truncated post-war (Stepney Green)
West Arbour Street, E1 West Arbour Street runs north from Commercial Road to Aylward Street (Stepney Green)
Westport Street, E1 Westport Street runs north from Commercial Road (Stepney Green)
Wetton House, E1 Wetton House overlooks the southern edge of Stepney Green Park (Stepney Green)
White Horse Lane, E1 White Horse Lane originally meandered through the countryside, beginning its journey in Whitechapel and eventually converging with the similarly-named White Horse Street (Stepney Green)
White Horse Road, E1 White Horse Road is an ancient lane, running to the east of St Dunstan’s church (Stepney Green)
White Tower Way, E1 White Tower Way was built in the area formerly occupied by gas works (Stepney Green)
Wickham Close, E1 Wickham Close is a road in the E1 postcode area (Stepney)
William Fry House, E1 William Fry House is a block on West Arbour Street (Stepney Green)
Yorkshire Place, E14 Yorkshire Place was initially called Railway Place (Limehouse)
Yorkshire Road, E14 Yorkshire Road was named by association with nearby York Square (Limehouse)

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