Category: Nine Elms

London – South of the Thames: Chapter X

Chapter IX London – South of the Thames by Sir Walter Besantt Chapter XI This is a digitised copy of the book London – South of the Thames by Sir Walter Besant Published in London by Adam & Charles Black (1912) This is in its raw form. Sections will be improved manually on this blog …

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Survey of London: Nine Elms

Around Battersea Park Survey of London: BatterseaBartlett School of Architecture/UCL Park Town This article appears courtesy of the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College with permission. © English Heritage 2013 The old hamlet of Nine Elms was the first settlement in Battersea travellers from London would encounter, after they branched off from the …

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Nine Elms

Nine Elms is an area within Battersea in the far north-eastern corner of the London Borough of Wandsworth.

Haines Street, SW8

Haines Street was named after the speculating solicitor, Frederick Haines, who built it in 1862.

Tweed Street, SW8

Tweed Street now lies under New Covent Garden Market.

Nine Elms Lane, SW8

In 1838, at the time of construction of the London and Southampton Railway, the area was described as “a low swampy district occasionally overflowed by the Thames [whose] osier beds, pollards and windmille and the river give it a Dutch effect“. Nine Elms railway station opened on 21 May 1838 as the first London terminus …

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