Commercial Road, E1

In 1802, the East India Company obtained an Act of Parliament to construct a new road from the West India Dock Gate to Church Lane in Whitechapel. The route of the new road closely followed an existing pathway called White Horse Lane, which can be seen on maps of the time. Construction of the first section of the road took place in 1803.

The residential development along the road began with the establishment of sugar refineries in St. George’s-in-the-East, which led to the construction of small houses to accommodate the workers employed in the industry. On the stretch of the road passing through Stepney, a desirable residential district for the affluent was created, featuring terraces and residential places. During this period, the Commercial Road had a prosperous atmosphere, supported by the presence of shops.

However, as the road experienced an increase in heavy traffic during the 1820s and 1830s, its attractiveness gradually declined in the eyes of the residents. Additionally, it became a toll road during this time. Charles Dickens described the Commercial Road before it was paved in 1855, mentioning the abundance of mud, the large buildings of sugar refiners, the small masts and weather vanes in back gardens, nearby canals and docks, stone tramways with India vans, and pawnbrokers’ shops where sailors had pawned their navigation instruments.

In 1870, the Commercial Road was extended westward to intersect with Whitechapel High Street at a location known as “Gardiner’s Corner.” Then, in 1874, the road was renumbered for administrative purposes.

In the mid-to-late 1960s, a new one-way system was implemented, which had the effect of cutting off the western end of Commercial Road. As a result, the road was no longer accessible in its original form at its western terminus.

In 1972, a fire occurred at the closed Gardiner’s department store, located at Gardiner’s Corner. Following the fire, the area underwent rebuilding and redevelopment. As part of this process, the remaining narrow section of Commercial Road was renamed Drum Street.

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